1 March 2012

Recipe No. 22 - Carrot and Pistachio Cake

I love eating Carrot cake. I hate making Carrot cake.

The things I hate about it are:
1. Grating the Carrot, It takes forever and you keep thinking you've done loads more than you actually have. Also you always end up grating a little bit of your fingertips if you stop concentrating for me than a second.

2. Using oil instead of butter really brings it home just how bad it is for you. I think I hate using oil too is because it doesn't taste very nice on its own whereas butter does :)

So you pretty much just cream the butter and sugar as usual and then add all of the other ingredients to the bowl, mix and bake for 45 minutes. It is quite time consuming due to the grating but other than that it is very simple and easy. After it has cooled you mix the cream cheese, icing sugar, butter and lemon zest together and top the cake with it.

I cooked the cake in a round tin rather than a traditional square tin, I took some to work and the rest disappeared by the next evening. It was delicious and the pistachios made a really nice change to walnuts.

The only downside to this cake is making room in the fridge, It has to be kept chilled due to the cream cheese in the icing. xx

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